The Course
What this course is:
It is a self-paced group accountability Master Class in which enrolled participants will work on course content individually. However personal results and experiences are encouraged to be shared collectively. Unity is stressed throughout this course because success in shifting to a more regular optimistic mindset can be obtained with partnership.
What this course is NOT:
This course is NOT a group counseling course and is not developed by licensed medical professionals. The content offered can indeed serve as complimentary or supplement material if a class participant is in or currently considering professional counseling.
Recommendation on how to take this program:
It is recommended that this course be taken from beginning to end in 4-6 weeks.
There are 3 subject lessons associated with the curriculum and each lesson has 4 lectures. That's a total of 12 lectures throughout the entire course.
Taking 2 lectures per week is the recommended pace for enrollees.
The content should not be considered a sprint and the information offered is presented in a way that encourages participants to meditate on the lessons and individual lectures so that application to daily living can be integrated.
Things you will need:
A Journal (Hard-copy or Electronic)
Access to the Internet (Course work access and Face Book closed group.)
The willingness to see this through with realistic expectations and NOT GIVE UP!